Welcome to Lettertous

By providing a platform for individuals to share their stories and receive compassionate responses. It reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles and encourages us to reach out for help when we need it most. Lettertous, Takes the time to read each story carefully, identifying the need, and applying the knowledge to help others in need, one letter at a time.

How does the process work?

Personal Email 

Personalized letters for emergency help, medical, personal. Literally, whatever you need. 

Non-profit Campaigns

Empowering storytelling with authenticity and impact. Through campaigning and Launching. We use tools such as Wordtune and Canva to bring attention to each individual story


Promotional Launch 

After we have done what is necessary for each campaign, we use google marketing to bring attention to each story 


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I ask for personal things?

The point for this website and our job is not to limit what you ask for. The answer is yes! We perfer honesty. We do not want you to lie about your situation to gain more or hold back because you feel like your story is not important enough.

What if my campaign does not make enough money?

We work with a variety of trusted marketing people such as; Google marketing, canva for image design and video. If your campaign is not reaching the mark. We would  Within two weeks, we would evualte and hopefully, become successful. We will not stop until we get to your goal.

Where is the link to your Gofundme?

Here is the main page - https://www.gofundme.com/fundraisers

“Lettertous has been instrumental in helping me share my personal journey through their exceptional writing services. Their dedication to non-profit stories is truly commendable.”

Parris Alleyne

Contact us

Reach out to us and share your story. Let's create something meaningful together.


Barrie, Ontario, Canada

About us

Lettertous is a writing business based in Barrie, Ontario, Canada, dedicated to crafting and sharing non-profit stories that inspire change. We believe in the power of storytelling to create connections and foster empathy. Our team is passionate about sharing everyone's story (young and old) to draw attention to society related issues and make a positive impact in the world.